
Below are thank-yous for times people are nice. We hope you’ll occasionally send one to others. You can view them by clicking on the titles below or by clicking the arrows on the slider that follows the titles. Also, after clicking on a title or a picture, you’ll be able to email a thank-you to someone. We add new thank-yous; so, check back. (We do not store or share user information.)
Thanks for being a light in the darkness!
That you don’t join in when others use putdowns is inspiring. Thanks!
Thanks for your support!
Thanks for the chance you gave me to feel useful!
Thanks for thinking of me!
Thanks for bringing our family together time and again!
Thanks for your niceness!
Seeing you let someone in a hurry go ahead of you was a pleasure. Thanks!
Your willingness to miss out so that another wasn’t left out remains heartening. Thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to appreciate my feelings!
Thanks for appreciating how hard it is to lose a pet!
Thanks for being soothing!
Thanks for reminding me that choosing niceness over payback is stepping up, not backing down!
Watching you make being nice more important than getting your way was terrific. Thanks!
Thanks for showing concern for the feelings of others!
Thanks for your help!
You showed me what courage looks like when you admitted you were in over your head. Thanks! 
Thanks for admitting to a mistake and, by doing so, helping others show such honor!
Thanks for being happy for me!
Watching you seek to be gracious rather than victorious was a joy. Thanks!
The respect you show others helps them feel valued. Thanks!
Your readiness to lend a hand is very much appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks for recognizing my progress!
Watching you calmly deal with a flub up makes me want to do the same. Thanks!
Your gentle manner puts others at ease. Thanks!
Hearing you admit you hurt yourself by wanting something too much helped me realize I do the same thing. Thanks!
Your kindness is uplifting. Thanks!
Though I became cranky when I was down on myself, you stayed mellow. Thanks!
Thanks for the nudge I needed to try harder to be fair!
Thanks for stopping by to chat!
Thanks for checking in on me!
Your kindness helps others feel safe. Thanks!
Having you stick by me while I was struggling meant a lot. Thanks!
Thanks for letting others have their say!
Your gratitude is very much appreciated. Thanks!
Seeing you not fuss when I messed up reminded me how a gracious person acts. Thanks!
Thanks for giving me credit for the work I did!
Thanks for making it safe for me to clear the air!
Your tenderness helped me grieve!
Seeing you put yourself in another’s shoes was fabulous. Thanks!
Thanks for patiently waiting for me to catch on!
Thanks for staying composed when I got carried away!
Thanks for nudging me to ease up when I was too hard on myself!
When others were critical of me, you were understanding. Thanks!
Thanks for gently helping me realize I was overreacting!
Hearing you speak well of others is always heartening. Thanks!
Thanks for helping me realize everyone sometimes makes something overly important!
Watching you step aside so that another could move ahead was wonderful. Thanks!
This is a very belated out-of-the-blue big thanks for all your thoughtfulness!
Thanks for showing confidence in me!
Watching you go out of your way to be fair is a delight. Thanks!
Your kindness doesn’t go unnoticed. Thanks!
Thanks for knowing when to make niceness more important than rightness!
I can’t thank you enough for the care you give our family!
Seeing you put others at ease is a delight. Thanks!
Thanks for all the effort you put into making meals!
You’re a fantastic cook. Thanks!
Thanks for the effort you put forth to keep in touch!
Your caring manner helps others feel regarded. Thanks!
Thanks for contacting me!
Thanks for helping me keep busy!
Thanks for helping me open my eyes!
Thanks for your warn welcome!
Thanks for being flexible!
Thanks for being a good listener!
Thanks for accommodating me!
Your empathy helped me feel less alone. Thanks!
Thanks for not claiming one mishap has to lead to another!
Seeing you put being kind and fair above outdoing others is awesome. Thanks! 
Thanks for nudging me to ease up when I was too hard on myself!
Thanks for gently helping me realize I was overreacting!
Having you as a colleague has been a pleasure!